
Deposit Rates

Effective as of March 25, 2025
Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. All rates and APYs are stated as annual rates and are paid quarterly. The rates and APYs are accurate as of the last dividend declaration date, 09/26/2024 and are effective for the quarter ending 12/31/2024.
Checking Accounts
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. All rates and APY’s are stated as annual rates and are paid monthly.
Silver Checking0.05%0.05%
Gold Checking0.10%0.10%
Money Market Accounts
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Terms are 30 - 31 Days.
Balances of $2000 - $49990.80%0.80%
Balances of $5000 - $99990.90%0.90%
Balances of $10,000 +1.00%1.00%
Share Certificates
*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. All share certificate rates and APY’s are stated as annual rates and are paid monthly or compounded monthly and paid at maturity. NOTE: IRA Share Certificates are available; rates and terms same as regular share certificates. Minimum opening deposits of $1,000 up to and including 36 months; $2,500 for 48, 60 months; and $2,000 for the 24-month Bumpable certificate.
6 months, $500 min. deposit3.25%3.30%
12 months, $500 min. deposit4.00%4.07%
18 months, $500 min. deposit3.50%3.56%
24 months, $500 min. deposit3.40%3. 45%
36 months, $500 min. deposit3.30%3.35%
48 months, $1000 min. deposit3.40%3.45%
60 months, $1000 min. deposit3.50% 3.56%
Jumbo Share Certificate
Any Term, $50,000 min. deposit0.10% above market rate
Bump-it-Up Share Certificate
24 months, $2000 min. deposit4.00%4.07%
12 months, $50 min. deposit4.00%4.07%
IRA Share Certificates
IRA Share CertificatesSame as regular share certificates
IRA Share Certificates, terms same as regular share certificates (Excluding 3 Month Share Certificate), minimum opening deposit $1,000 up to and including 36 months, $2,500 for 48, 60, and 24 month bumpable terms.

All rates are subject to change without prior notification. Contact us for current rates, fees and other terms that may apply to our accounts at (800) 532-0223 or (915) 592-0223. The APY Annual Percentage Yield figure assumes the principal and earned dividends remain on deposit until maturity. Fees may reduce earnings. There is a penalty for early withdrawal. All IRA account types include Traditional and Roth IRAs. *No initial deposit or minimum balance required to open a Liberty checking account. **Minimum balance to open a Silver Checking account is $100.00 and maintain a $1,000 minimum daily balance. ***Minimum balance to open a Gold checking account is $500.00 and maintain a $2,500 minimum daily balance.