Holiday Schedule
One Source Federal Credit Union will be closed on the following holidays listed below. This schedule may be modified or change at any time.
- Monday. January 1: New Year's Day. Happy New Year!
- Monday, January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Monday, February 17: President's Day
- Monday, May 26: Memorial Day
- Thursday, June 19: Juneteenth
- Friday, July 4: Independence Day
- Monday, September 1: Labor Day
- Monday, October 13: Columbus Day
- Tuesday, November 11: Veteran's Day
- Wednesday, November 26: Thanksgiving Eve- ALL branches will close at 1:00 P.M.
- Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving Day
- Wednesday, December 24: Christmas Eve- ALL branches will close at 1:00 P.M.
- Thursday, December 25: Christmas Day. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
- Wednesday. December 31: New Year's Eve- ALL branches will close at 1:00 P.M.
Access your account 24/7 with our NEW and IMPROVED Digital Online Banking | Download our Free Mobile App | Call our iTalk Audio Response Teller: 915-592-9892 in El Paso or 575-524-7162 in Las Cruces | Deposit your check by simply taking a picture!
One Source is YOUR source for all of your financial needs!
For Life's Choices, One Source FCU, where banking is Simple, Mobile, and Free!